225 and my 250 engine fail

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ianplymouth, Sep 3, 2017.

  1. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Well, i thought it would last longer than it has only done about 4000 miles and the engine started making noises when on track at Thruxton on Thursday.

    Completed the sighting laps, did a few more to get the tyres up to temp, came in to adjust the pressures and change the damping settings on the BC's.

    Went out again and i think it was the forth lap came down to the chicane and noticed a horrible noise from the engine, drove around slowly for a cool down lap, pulled into the garage and at tick over you wouldn't think anything was wrong, reved it up and there was a terrible noise.

    Left it to cool down for half an hour but made a knocking noise on start up for a second and then went quite.

    Decided to call it quits and make my way home, engine seemed okay up to 3k rpm, nearly managed to get to Stonehenge by that time it was only good to 1800 rpm, so stopped and called the RAC.

    Today i stripped the dephaser pulley off as looking at a couple of youtube videos the noise sounded the same, i could not get it to rattle as some showed.

    So the next thing was to pull the sump off, well there was a lot of metal bits stuck to the pick up filter, removed number 2 big end and fine, removed number 3 and the shells were stuck to the con rod and there is slight marking on the crank, so now the engine is out and the crank is almost out but my tea was ready so i left it and went home.

    I don't know how or why it happened, i have changed the oil 3 times in the last 4k miles and i don't drive it that hard :laughing::laughing::laughing:
    So looks like a crank regrind, new bearings and oil pump could have been worse :sunglasses:
  2. what a bastard..lucky you nearly made it back.
    My mate has just has his engine blow at the Ring, for the THIRD! time.
    Hes in real trouble,as the AA will not recover the car from Germany(he had european cover),even though he managed to get it off the track, and into a recovery yard.
    Whats worse is the recovery yard are charging him storage per day!

    Hopefully the damage to your car isnt that bad.
  3. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Cheers Andrew
    The engine was only supposed to have done 32k miles when i bought it, so thought it would have lasted a bit longer, it's a standard lump as well std turbo, 630 injectors and a remap, so about the same as all 250 megs.

    I am glad it happened here although i have European recovery, it took 8 hours to get home
  4. Bizarre failure at that mileage..and now the classic question...Who mapped it?
  5. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I really don't think it's a map problem, it's more to do with long long right handed high speed corners and maybe some shit i missed when i bought the engine, this engine came from a crashed car the old sump was smashed and there was also a crack in the inlet manifold, so it had a fair bump.

    Just got back from an engineering company, the crank is worn 2-4 thou but the biggie is the crank is bent by 100 thou :openmouth:
  6. bugger, hope you get it sorted soon Ian, bigger better faster : )
  7. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Got to get it sorted soon, i have two days at Spa and a track day at the ring in 4 weeks time
    ewant81 likes this.
  8. finger out time !
  9. Sad times mate! As you say i don't think it's a mapping issue, rather lack of oil pressure for some reason.

    Always the risk with a crash damaged engine, especially if it had cracked the sump. Who knows how long it has been running without oil.

    I hope you get it fixed soon though, while you're at it fit the 250 TB :wink:
    ewant81 and Si271 like this.
  10. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Hi Tutuur
    It was more than a crack :laughing: i could put my fingers though the sump the gap was that big, it had a lot of gravel in there when i pulled it off.
    was thinking about changing the cold air side of the turbo for a bigger one, don't forget i fitted a 250 lump with a new turbo.
  11. how easy is it to get a 250 engine into the 225?
  12. Sad to hear, I feel your pain. My 250 blew to pieces and has been in the garage 4 weeks waiting to replace the engine.

    Got one with 32k miles (!!!!!!!) 2013. Hybrid stage 1 turbo, Wagner competition ic going on. 630cc injectors and remap at engine dynamics to come once fitted.

    Best pics I could get from underneath.

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  13. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Hi Danny
    To be honest it's quite easy, i did mine over a couple of days because it was going so well i thought i must have forgotten something.
    If you have a complete engine the only thing is changing over the sensors and wiring loom from the old engine.

    Have a look here http://www.rsmegane.com/threads/225-inferno-getting-a-250-engine.13083/
  14. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Hi Marc
    Thats a big let go, was it on a track or road, mine was Thruxton and was giving it some :laughing:

  15. It was on the cat and fiddle road near Buxton. It let go at around 5000 rpm in 3rd gear under full load. Put it this way, there is no bottom left on the engine, cylinder 4 is missing rod, piston, the lot. Scattered on the road somewhere. Found these on the tray below the engine, that was all that was left.

    Attached Files:

  16. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    The Cat and fiddle, i know where that is :laughing: last time was on a motorcycle nice road but a bit scary.
    I fitted the 250 engine as it was supposed to be a stronger engine, i think, well i know i have got away quite lightly with mine, was thinking about forged rods, i am waiting for the engineering company to say if it a goer or not (1 con rod)
  17. NJH


    Will be following this closely Ian, hopefully you get your motor sorted soon.

    Thanks btw for the Android app tips, I have got those on my phone now.
  18. It's a good road when you know it, I grew up driving it. Or at least it used to be before the average speed cameras.

    Granted, a lot more scary on a bike!!! I know many people who have lost more than their pride on there.
  19. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Quite useful aren't they, the guy with the Imprezza was impressed :laughing:
  20. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    when i went there there was 6 local ish lads on bikes and i ended up at the front as they were too slow :sunglasses:, that was a long long time ago, even before they started using police bikes for you to follow and now average speed camera's what is this country coming to :rage:
  21. I think we must be keeping them in business ;-)
    Is there a website badge for blowing an RS motor? Maybe a sticker of an engine crossed through like on a fighter plane?
  22. Sorry to hear that Ian, it's really bad luck. That's the second 250 engine swap that has gone, am hoping there isn't something we are missing in the swap. Haven't heard of many having problems with oil starvation on track, do you reckon that the damage was pre-existing and then developed over time?

    What's the issue with the dephaser pulley? Does it cause a ticking noise?
  23. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I think it was something that more than likely in the crash, there was a huge crack in the sump big enough to put your hand through, so it would have dumped the oil very quickly and if the engine carried on running after the event who knows, i think the bearing breaking up then blocked the intake, the intake has quite a small slot in it compared to the intake gauze size.

    The dephaser pulley i think starts knocking on start up, not 100% sure never had a car with this fitted before
    ewant81 likes this.
  24. Hadn't heard that before about the dephaser pulley, can you run them without it? I know with the 225 ecu it can't be engaged

    Keep us posted and I hope you get it sorted soon. [emoji846]
  25. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I have just tried to find thee video again but i can't, Paul at RS said it will run fine not hooked up as it is really there to help with the emissions and economy.

    I think i am going down the forged pistons and rods route just need to make a couple of calls tomorrow :laughing:
    ewant81 likes this.
  26. Gutted to read this Ian after all the hard work you put in the engine conversion :confounded:
    Looks like your cracking on with getting it sorted though mate.

    This was my sole reason why i never went for a complete second hand engine for mine as you just never know it's history or when it could let go whether it be 50 miles or 50 thou.

    It maybe more expensive rebuilding my own engine but I know it will be strong and for piece of mind its not gonna last a month lol
  27. Personally, I wanted to get a running engine rather than one that had been split. Building an engine can introduce many variables, and the cost will be greater. If you have a good engine builder who is local and will give you some warranty on work, then it can be worth it.

    You have to weigh up the options and decide which is best for you. Especially when buying a 2nd hand engine, it's important to find one that is running and intact.
  28. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Cheers matey, it is coming along nicely, i would have had the engine back in today if i could have got the torquing figures a couple of days ago, it's not costing that much to be honest, just time and because the weather isn't great i can crack on with it :sunglasses:, like i posted before, this could have been from the time of the crash. will never know the answer to that one.
  29. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I thought i was okay with it having such low miles, i am not upset about it, it is just one of those things, apart from my time it's not costing that much, a set of gaskets and big end bearings, the crank is salvageable but i had a good r26 crank so that has been fitted.
    Did make a phone call to get a set of forged con rods and pistons, was also going to get a R26r flywheel from them, they were supposed to get back to me regarding delivery times but never had a call back so they can keep it :laughing:
    ewant81 likes this.
  30. That's good news. Is that the crank from my old engine?
  31. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Yes that's the one, it checked out okay, the only thing i have found different is the bolt size holding the crank pulley on.
    So part of your old engine will live on :laughing:
  32. Haha, glad it could be of some use. Crank should be good, it has only been run on good oil with regular changes.

    This time round you should definitely give the engine a thorough flush, make sure all the oilways and galleries are clean. I think one of my hydraulic tappets has some gunk in it, seems to get noisy if the engine has sat for a while.
  33. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Only using the crank, the rest of the engine inside is spotless, but nearly everything i took off went in the degreasing tank, crank as well, then blew through all the oil ways in the crank and engine with 150 psi of air.
    I think i have done 4 oil changes in the last 9k miles, once it starts going a bit dark i change it, well it does get a bit of abuse :sunglasses:
  34. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    A quick update
    Had a quick look at my clutch the other day and the tangs on the drive plate are distorted, so because it was all out anyway i ordered a R26r clutch kit from Ktec, i know, i know, but it was on offer, turned up next day :laughing:
    So this morning i decided it was better for me to get the car back on the road than go to work :sunglasses:
    checked the flywheel, drive plate to make sure that they were the same size, all good fitted the flywheel and cover, fitted the new slave cylinder and refitted the gearbox to the engine.
    Lifted the engine back in, went to connect the clutch pipe and they are different sizes, after a call to Ktec it seems that the clutch that was fitted was an aftermarket one and they use different fittings, so off to Renault parts to order a new part.

    So not been able to get it running yet, but i have put all the suspension back together, i also fitted my new plain disc's and Endless pads.
    I am busy tomorrow so i will pick the part up on Friday and then should be up and running over the weekend :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:
  35. thats good news matey...looks like you will be well in time for spa. are you going to see if you can get on the reserve list for abingdon for a shake down?
  36. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I am not sure to be honest, if i do it will be 4 trackdays in 14 days :laughing:
  37. that might be pushing it with a freshly rebuilt engine, which ones are you doing? spa and NBR and?
  38. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Nurburgring then 2 days at Spa and 600+ road miles :laughing: should be run in by the time i get back :laughing:
  39. hopefully all goes well. I spoke with my colleague and he is up for spa next year...i shall look forward to that. He has some brute of an american car that i can never remember the name of
  40. this thing IMG-20161119-WA0007 (002).jpg

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