R26 R26 losing power when hit throttle

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by wenDesignR26, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. Hello everyone...

    I'm on vacation and guess what, my lovely yellow bit*h suprised me again.
    Without any errors, without any problems on trip to destination, car was parked in garage for 1 whole day and next morning, I wanted to go "for a walk" with him, and problem was here!

    No errors, no problems with start, no problems with in neutral, the problem starts, when I drive, after 4000-5000rpm when I wanted to pass a car, I hit the throttle harder and car starts to pull and suddenly it losses the power, for a sec, than it gets back for a second, and loss it.. don't know what was the problem.. so wanted to ask you here if anyone would know..

    Need to get back from vacay at wednesday, there is a road with bigger climb on hill, don't know I would make to the top there with this problem.

    Thanks in advance.. cheers
  2. Sounds like your booting it on a cold engine... I know that happens with meganes if you boot it and the engine isn't fully up to temp. I drive very gently till i see the temp gauge is in its righful place before i use the upper end of the rev range..

    Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk
  3. I'm always driving for 5-10 min in normal revs, until the engine get's normal temperature around the rightful place. Still think it's not the right reason why it loose the power :worried:
  4. Carry out some simple checks. Leaky pipes, loose connections. I had a similar issue on my R26, I had a poor connection on the temperature sensor cable.
    My own fault for fiddling with it:-(

    Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk
  5. Boost leak?
  6. Mmm .. As suggested might be a leak.. I know i lost a load of power when my dump valve popped off the clamp... Literally felt like a 1.4!!! Lol

    Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk
  7. I changed the fuel pump and fuel filter, and problem gone, but after 1 hour of driving, the problem was back again. Don't know what next. Will try to check these problems you writed. Thanks, will post a reply when the problem will be solved!
  8. Strange that it resolved the issue, but only for a short time☹️ Doubt it's the cause, but have you checked the condition of the connection that goes into the manifold, (I think it's the manifold) next to the throttle body, basically it's a hard plastic type pipe that goes in, and the connection can become brittle and leak, my F1 did this, start car and it just dies, finger over the leaking connection and it started like normal, no idea if this could be a cause, but easy enough to see if it's corroded or cracked...
  9. The pipe on top of throttle body can leak, and I believe the sensor on the left of throttle body can have issues if not seated firmly,the stock clamp isn't very good, if you have dump valve then check the pipe is properly fitted, you can also run a temp boost gauge through open window just to see if your boost suddenly drops when you hit a certain amount of throttle/boost, which tells you it's a boost pipe issue.. I had most of these things give me probs hence just giving you things to check, process of elimination... 7FEDCD5E-3744-4915-97EC-229609C7EDCC-379-0000003DF809332F.jpeg
    wenDesignR26 likes this.
  10. Can you please circle the parts I need to check on that image? Thanks. Don't have aftermarked dump valve.
  11. IMG_1415.JPG Hi, sorry I'm not sure how to circle, see attached same pic, I just greyed out the area, so you can see the two things to check it's the one on the right that wears. The one on the left with silver clamp can be lose, I left the yellow bit on pic to give you reference point, hope this helps.
  12. if it was a boost leak of some sort it'd probably do it all the time and get worse over time. Has your car been remapped? it sounds it's hitting a boost cut/torque limiter.....

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