Hot hatch literally !

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Maccy44, May 24, 2017.

  1. a lovely hot day coupled with the fact my car seat is on full whack heat and won't turn off!

    It's 1 week out of warranty too! I've still called them so hopefully they will still fix it
  2. Wow that really is unlucky! Good luck with warranty sounds like they should be fixing that free of charge
  3. The leather seats seem a bit flaky when it comes to electrics, the one I picked up is very sensitive when the shopping's sitting on it!
  4. Been there, seat belt warning all the time!

    On a side note my car was a month out of warranty when i bought it and had a duff gearbox, Renault gave a 75% discount and the garage i bought it from payed the rest, so theirs hope!
    Nigelo likes this.
  5. take the fuse out for now
  6. Can anyone advise on which fuse I'm looking for?
  7. Any ideas anyone! The book does not list which is for the seat heaters
  8. So I've taken the heated seat switch off and the seat does not seem to be on now, but when I start the car the message heated seat activated still comes on, could this be a faulty switch or control module do you guys think?

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