Car seat exchange

Discussion in 'Other For Sale' started by Tony Fonda, May 11, 2017.

  1. Hi,

    I am looking to exchange my mint RS 275 NAV driver seat (standard, cloth, red stitching) with your Recaro passenger seat.

    We will both end up with Recaros for the drivers and confi for the passenger.

    Anyone interest to discuss?

  2. Unless you have a LHD car and want to swap with someone with a RHD car they are not interchangeable... it would also look like complete balls
  3. I was under the impression that they were the same! but am clearly wrong by the looks of it.
  4. I'd swap my drivers for your drivers.... I was trying to replace my cloth seats for with leather, but only found a leather passenger one. Don't know if that helps at all? lol
  5. Mounting points are different for a start. You could possibly re fabricate something there, bit are still left with the issue of the side airbags. UK passenger seat on the driver side will be interesting in case of an impact.
  6. Happy with that. Where are you based?
  7. I'm in Northern Ireland (which buggers things a little I'm sure, but I've posted seats / had seats posted to me before.

    But one thing has just occurred to me, I've a rs250 cup, and has white stitching on the seats, hmmmm.

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