Steering rack

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by MJ57, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Any one know the in's and out's?

    Same as the 1.6 or not? Drive way replacement? Or garage?
  2. Anna1986

    Anna1986 Banned

    I know the two outs rather than the two ins but the two outs go in and out.
    Yes your driveway could do with being replaced I'd go with somekind of block paving. Garage? Well I'm sorry to say but this looks rubbish to so yes If you can afford it replace both.
  3. Thanks for the informative reply......
  4. In fairness it was quite funny.

    I got mark black to change mine, he was by far the most competitive price I had. I wouldn't even bother doing it myself as I'm sure it'd cost me more to source the parts on my own!

    Having seen the rack changed, it could be done on a driveway but would be a bit of an arse of a job, and you'd need to get it tracked afterwards. It's certainly doable though if you wanted to go for it!
  5. looks easy enough. I just need to know if the Steering rack is the same across all models. i know the i'd have to put the outer arms onto the new rack. as i can get a rack for a standard 2l Megane for less than 100
  6. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Don't fit the cheapest rack you can get, I've had to swap a few because they've failed after a few months!!!!!!!
    Fit a good quality one
  7. Your racks best be good then! see you wednesday
  8. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Only the best, ill show you the genuine Renault rack before I fit it!
    Just wait and see x
  9. I have some play in the steering arms of my R26 according to my local garage, am I right in saying that this will be a new rack and tie-rod ends?
  10. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Ewant81 could just be either tie rod or track rod ends rather than rack itself if you take them off you can usually feel and see the play
  11. Thanks!


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