250 Leaking oil?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by jack250, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. IMG_0439.JPG

    Does this look like a cause for concern?
  2. I had this on my Megane, and my son slackened off the offending ones, put some sealant around the bolt, retightened, fixed,no leaks since.
    jack250 likes this.
  3. It's that's it, great!
  4. Careful when you tighten them back up, they don't take much torque!

    12Nm if they're anything like the Clio F4R.
    jack250 likes this.
  5. IMG_0440.JPG

    Also whilst having a poke around I noticed the seals at the bottom of 2 injectors was popping out. What's the score there? Can I just replace the seals?
  6. Coil pencil seals you mean.

    Not sure they're available separately.
    jack250 likes this.
  7. Ahh I was mistaken. Cheers James. Are these seals a big issue?
  8. Not massively, the coil pencil won't go anywhere as it's held in with the bolt.

    The seal just stops dirt getting down into the spark plug hole. The seal might have just gone in funny and pinched it, you could take the coil out and see if that's the case.

    Not ideal like i say, but it's not the end of the world. I'd clean/vaccum the hole out before a spark plug change though so nothing gets down into the head.
    jack250 likes this.
  9. Cheers for the help mate. It's actually having a service with a plug change soon so I'll clean it for now and try and reset the rubber. Nice one

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