tyre presure sensors (that old chesnut)

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by gjonmat, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. I had them turned off a while a go cos they was doing my head in (kept failing)
    I wanted em back on again so went to my local Renault dealer they did a check and one was bust again so I ordered another and took it in yesterday
    when I got it back it was not going through the tyre sequence on start up (if you have them you will know what I mean)
    I rang them back up and the bloke sad "I never knew it did that, I thought if a tyre was low it told you" no it should run through them on start up, so he is "looking in to it" and my auto lights don't work now!!!!
    ps I found this!!

    told ya!!!
  2. Daz


    I don't think mine does that?!

    I'll have to check next time - I confess I've never even tried lowering a pressure to see if it comes up as a fault!
  3. well it went back in to day and it works.... well the tyre part does but I have lost auto lights and the rear demist thing, if I press quick clear it comes on but wont come on its own if pressed
    they shall have another call in the morning
  4. Ph2 does it, Ph1 doesn't.
  5. Lost auto lights as in they won't enable or they've been turned off? Rear demist not responding to button or not working at all?
  6. Daz


    That be why then!
  7. been turned off I think as i tried the button on the end of the stork and nawt,
    rear demist not responding when its button is pressed but if I press the front demist it kicks in as does a/c
    and the auto wipers are on intermittent in the dry, ie; move it down one position to activate auto wipe and they stay on in intermittent mode they do go faster in heaver rain
  8. been back in today and working fine now, I am happy :smiley:
  9. arrrrrrrr just found out the light washers dont work now, (something i never really check) back there again me thinks or can they be put back on?
  10. Daz


    Probably be the actual pump - swap the pipes over on the front windscreen and see if it works - I ended up replacing both seeing as they were cheap!
  11. What happens if you fit wheels without sensors in them?
  12. nawt if you turn them off, just found out the double lock does not shut my windows when down now NEVER going there again!!!
  13. Daz


  14. lol
  15. Lol

    More what annoying alarm is displayed on the dash and how do you stop it!
  16. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Mine doesnt do this :worried: should it on a 57?
  17. when one of mine got snapped fitting a new tire it said STOP PUNTCER so got the lot turned off
  18. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Just had a look and I dont have any of the sensor valves so mime have also been switched off mite invest in some next time round
  19. They are a pain but good to have
  20. My understanding is they work by comparing the pressures and flag if the pressures are significantly different.

    So if one is busted then it would go off.

    How do you turn it off need to do it with my winter wheels and tyres if it goes off as no sensors fitted.


  21. They need to be turned of using a clip.
  22. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    still need mine turning off, not used them since i bought the car, threw them away after 3 failed.
  23. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    How long the sensors last on average anyone know roughly is it worth investment?
  24. From everything I've read they sound more of a hinderance than a help. I certainly wouldn't bother getting some fitted. IMHO of course.
  25. Mine were turned off and removed before I bought the car.

    Not sure if true, but I believe quite a lot of garages won't change tyres if you have these fitted as they are so difficult to get off with breaking them, hence many cars now not having them.
  26. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Ahh yeah makes sense think il stick to the old pressure tester in glove box lol

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