Remap Advice

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by mike100, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Hi all,

    Bit confused as to my remap options. I have an R26, I am about to fit the k-tec 3" exhaust and it already has an updated panel filter. I want to have it remapped but I live in Surrey, so going to RS tuning (as a lot of people have recommended) isn't really an option. I have looked into the tuning box, but do I need to get a custom map?
    Also what are the differences between the Rs Tuning box and the rs-tuner from as the fast chips one seems a fair bit cheaper? Or am I reading the info wrong?
    Thanks in advance
  2. Try Danny at 519 Automotive in Bedford
  3. Thanks, I have sent them an email
  4. Sorry your better of ringing
  5. Tour de force over Bedford way do maps supported by Rs tuning. Well worth a call IMO.
  6. Aren't TDF in Cambridge
  7. Thanks fellas ill look them up
  8. Or give Paul a ring at RS tuning, I'm sure a stage 1 and remote box would be ok.
  9. What is the difference between the rs tuning box and the rs tuner one that is £200 cheaper?

  10. The Rs tuner map is done by a well known guy in meganesport tuning called henk.
    Many people have his map with no problems.
    If you compare the 2 options you are basically getting the same equipment and a similar map..why RS tuning charge so much more is unclear.

    You are always better getting the map done on site ,as a rolling road will show up any problems with your car,aswell as the map being tweeked for the maximum power achievable,to
    your own personnel vehicle.

    A uploaded basemap wont give you the same performance as a live mapped car.
  11. Brilliant that clears it up perfectly. I was struggling to see a difference between the two, but the costs convinced me there had to be! Think ill get in touch with the guys local to me but definitely keep the rs tuner in mind. Thanks
  12. I really wouldnt use anyones maps other then henks or paul from RS tuning.
    These 2 guys have spend years getting the map right..
    paul developed his map from the very start of the meganesport,and is widely acknowledged as the guru on renaults.

    Tour de force also use pauls maps.

    THey have had countless hours of dyno set-up ,to make the map as smooth as possible,as if it was a factory map.
    I really would only stick to these world class rep guys,and save any doubt on a under developed could cost you your engine.
  13. Yeah I'm gonna go for Henks box, spoke to him via email yesterday and he seems to be the guy to go to. Thanks everyone for your advice
  14. Let us know how it goes like you Paul is miles away from me too and I am planning the same spec mods as you k&n panel filter and probably mill tech cat back exhaust.
  15. Just ordered the Rs Tuner from Henk, seemed the best/easiest option, especially as I am planning to go full stage 2 next year. I will hopefully be able to fit everything this weekend so will let everyone know my thoughts once its done
  16. I dont think you will be disappointed. Henks maps are good.
  17. Sorry if this is diverting the thread.. Who is Henk? It always used to be the car it was Paul or someone who used Paul's map. Reddot had a go at mapping but their maps were not good.
  18. Henk is a dude over in the Netherlands. He is highly regarded tuner ( a bit like Paul ) in Europe. He develops the tuner boxes and does maps on cars ( all sorts - again like Paul )
  19. I think (this is just from memory..) that it might have been Henk then that was originally supplying the boxes to Paul.

    Just one if those snippets that might not actually be true of course..

    What happened with reddot? Where are the decent rolling roads these days?
  20. This is true.

    Dynos are funny things. It takes a decent operator who isn't interested in manipulating the figures to give an accurate result. It also is a good idea to take it to the same dyno brand as someone else to compare back to back. Pauls are Dyno Dynamics if I recall correctly. The theory being if you dyno run in Leeds or London on the same brand you will get the same ( or very , very similar ) figures.

    Dynos can easily be influenced by positioning of probes / sensors into giving artificially high results. Find an operator that you trust.
  21. Rs tuning can supply two tuning boxes his own box, and fastchips rs tuner, both good pieces of kit.
  22. Just a little addition here, my car was mapped at at RSTuning by Paul. (Not 'live' mapped as mentioned, you cant live map a Megane). The Stock Stage1 was applied and the car run on the dyno, car made 258bhp (from 230 stock). Paul wasn't absolutely happy with it for some reason, I remember temps being high mentioned and the AFR was low. That was on the Stock Stage 1. He went away to play with the file a couple of times and added more fuel to keep things 'cooler' (safer for the motor I think he said) and possibly other tweaks. Car made 255bhp and tracked just under the original S1 power curve. So in short, if you go on the dyno your not getting a more powerful map, your getting one that suits your car better and ultimately safer for your engine.

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