R26 What's this pipe do? And how can I fix it?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by aus602, May 11, 2015.

  1. Just inspected under the bonnet because the car is refusing to start. Found this black plastic pipe with a plastic circular thingamewhatsit (see photo) that runs from near the firewall to the top-front of the engine. It's snapped at the rear/right of the plastic circular thing.
    - What does it do?
    - Any ideas on how I might fix it?

    Could it be related to the car not starting?
    Strapping it back together with electrical tape hasn't magically let the car start, so perhaps not a related issue. Battery is showing 12.7volts. Dash keeps saying "Steering not locked", but my efforts to reset the immobiliser following suggestions from this and other rs forums have not been successful - probably due to my incompetence as well as the car sulking after many incorrect attempts (which I can't complain about as that's what the immobiliser is supposed to do).

    All info much appreciated.
    MegII r26 - broken pipe near brake fluid container.JPG
    Graham V likes this.
  2. Servo pipe, replace with new as it's a brake component, probably should start though. If there is a fault with the steering lock that will stop the car running so I would investigate that first.
  3. Have you got keyless? Is the car turning over? .. I'd put the key in the little key socket check all the switches for the boot etc aren't stopping the engine from starting over and see if that helps... (I'm no tech just throwing some ideas out there)

    I'm not sure what that pop is... Maybe some sort of breather or sensor?
  4. Looks like the fuel vapour breather thingy pipe to me.
  5. Yea you right it isn't the servo vacume.
  6. Thank you everyone. It's been to the shop to receive a new starter motor and have its fuses and loom given the once over. The broken pipe is the throttle body vacuum return - order one from Renault using the correct part number in the service manual and be guaranteed to receive the wrong part.
  7. It would cause a big vacuum leak though, so it might run rough but at least it's heading in the right direction
  8. The one way valve will stop any vacuum being pulled into the engine so no it won't.
    All you will get is a tiny bit of air if any getting into the intake hose.
  9. true :wink: these cars need a vacuum reservoir IMO.
  10. So where do i get the part for this same things happend to me on my r26. Can i not just get the small circular thing as a part as thats whats snapped off?
  11. Please keep us posted when car returns, mine does not start either displays same message on dash.
  12. Hi there - new to forum & just starting to fix problems on my 225 Cup - did a final answer come up for this one elsewhere can anyone recall please? I have the same snapped pipe just behind the circular valve but don't know whether to fix now, defer until another time or forget about it! Thank you :-)
  13. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    If you have the same part that is broken, then replace it, it's a non return valve for the brake servo, no vacuum then you will have very poor braking efficiency.

    Your call
    Graham V likes this.
  14. Cheers Ian - I'll get it fixed before Mrs V starts her festive spending methinks!
  15. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    That would be a great idea, be a shame to damage an Inferno meg
    Graham V likes this.

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