Meguiars works well, I've had the same bottle for about 6 years!$$ja=cgid:5302137724%7Ctsid:35522%7Ccid:119462284%7Clid:18283950120%7Cnwearch%7Ccrid:21270118204%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:1o2%7Cbku:1&gclid=CJje-KjSjbsCFSPnwgodtxcADA
I was worried the universe might collapse in on itself, but the man needs some tyre shine, some things are more important.
I'm not sure if I put to much on, but I've found on the meg it just flings off Not sure if its because its white and my other cars where darker!?
Yer applicator sponge chrisp - yer you are using too much mate, only need a tiny amount and just take your time spreading it out around the tyre
You can't beat megs tyre gel Trick is to put one coat on and really work it in. Put a 2nd coat on 10mins later and finally wipe over with old MF cloth to remove excess.
zaino z16, I've tried the others but this is by far the easiest to use, no fling lovely finish and a bottle lasts forever.