Hi, having trouble with my steering. The car failed it's NCT (Irish MOT) on steering slip angle. So I thought ok, replace inner and outer track rod ends and retest, only to have it fail again. Upon investigation I found that the passenger side has movement. It appears that part that the inner track rod end screws into is moving up and down in its housing as I wiggle the wheel side to side. Is there a bushing or something in there that needs replacing? Any help with this is much appreciated. Really don't want to fail another test!
Rack bush needs to be replaced http://www.trackfocusdirect.com/sho.../URL] Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Or this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141816734648?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
Stick with the bush from trackfocus it's much better quality. Another thing to check will be steering rack clamps..
Ok, thanks guys. I've ordered one from Track Focus, this doesn't look like a job I'd like to do more than once!
I had a hell of a time fitting the bush. As soon as I managed to get the old one out, the rack internal bar sprang towards the front of the car. The hellish part was trying to force the rack bar back to centre, hold it there AND press in the new bush. 4 hours start to finish. Glad it's done. I'll have to get it tracked during the week. Never again.
No, I followed the instructions that were supplied from Track Focus Direct, there was no mention of dismantling on the other side of the car. Would that have made a difference???
If you had removed the drives side track rod end from the hub it lets you move the steering rack a bit more and takes the load off the shaft.