1. Has anyone installed oil temp, oil pressure and turbo boost gauges in their RS250?
    Having the sat nav option with no RS Monitor, I'd like a way of monitoring how things are cooking :-)
  2. In for visibility, in the same situation and have put some thought into this but not really seen anyone do it to my knowledge.
    RobC likes this.
  3. Something like image_display.php?path=676306784_c125_ANIM-combined4.gif could work really well to give all of the information on a single display, with changeable screens.
    Shaded Pixel and RobC like this.
  4. I have a boost gauge fitted which i thought would be useful, but, to be honest, i never look at it. I would still like to fit an oil temp gauge which i would probably find more useful.
    RobC likes this.
  5. I'm sure there is a project thread on here where someone is fitting a pillar pod. Interested to see how it would look...
  6. This looks like a great option, I might look at this thanks!
  7. The price is horrendous though! £1500ish!
  8. OUCH! Haha! I just might look at other options :-)
    jjones82 likes this.
  9. RobC likes this.
  10. Yes the MoTeC display is not the cheapest, but the graphics and configurability are second to none. I'm thinking this could look quite nice in the Megane (ignore the values as they've just been inserted to give a representation of values and I can't control the gauges in the design software)!
    Megane Display Screenshot 2.png

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