Rs250/265/275 3" Titanium Exhausts

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by cgrautomotive, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. cgrautomotive

    cgrautomotive RSM Trader

    Hi guys,

    So our groupbuy for our newest stainless systems for the mk2's is going strong, especially since we've now included mk3's (pictures and videos to come soon) however we've had a few enquiries about ti so we wanted to ask few questions and let people ask some too.....

    We've been contemplating doing a Titanium system for a little while for the meg's but didn't want to spend the time working out prices if we couldn't achieve a realistic price that people can afford/will pay. Well we've worked on it a bit and if there's some serious interest we'll get an accurate figure put together for what we could do either a single or small run of ti systems for.

    Spec would be as follows;

    Full 3" stainless cat-back system (not a slip-on) that would go from the 3-bolt flange on the downpipe right back to the tailpipes.

    Full ti hardware including v-bands, hangers and CGR uprated exhaust mounts also made from ti.

    Welding as per usual would be carried out to aerospace standards.

    Built using mandrel bends, no straight bits of tube chopped into "pie-cuts" with lots of shoulders. Yes it looks cool on instagram but in reality you're defeating the object of having a high-end system on your car as it restricts air flow.

    Similar silencer set-up to our current system, single round silencer at the rear, will pass track day limits.

    We could do a mk2 system however the cost would be higher due to the rear tailpipe layout.

    We'll give you a free sticker and if we can find/think of something cool to chuck in with it we will do [emoji4]

    As a very very rough price it would be around the £1600-£1800 mark and would save LOADS of weight

    We feel there's a gap for a proper 3" titanium system as the systems that start with an A and rhyme with Dakrapovic are only slip on to the downpipe and retain the standard tube size, perfect for some applications but I know some people want more.

    They have the carbon trims (which are cool) and a brand name however if that's the deciding factor then we can sort something equally as cool, we'll have to just work on costing.

    Let us know what you think or if you're interested as we're really keen to see if we can make this idea a reality

    Cheers again,

    CGR [emoji106]
    Feirny likes this.
  2. Yep, interested

    Can you list out the benefits please?

    Weight saving - how much?

    Any kind of idea on noise limits? Would want to be less than 90db static. I have milltek plus decat, currently 88~90 depending on the tester/wind etc

    Any warranties? I believe titanium is a more durable metal than steel but would you guarantee it?

    Currently I have a decat - can that be accommodated with this exhaust? (Apologies if that's a stupid question)

    Would a remap be needed following fitment? (Again apologies if that's stupid)
    git-r likes this.
  3. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    I don't think any question is a stupid question, I bet someone else is thinking along the same lines too.
    git-r likes this.
  4. cgrautomotive

    cgrautomotive RSM Trader

    Weight saving;
    Couldn't give an exact figure at this moment in time although I could probably calculate it roughly, as a general rule a ti system will be about half the weight of a stainless one.

    Noise limits;
    We can make the system as loud or as quiet as you'd like, if you have a set track day limit you need to meet we can make it suit that.

    Warranties are difficult on a product such as this as there's as 90% chance it's going to be used for motorsport, we wouldn't be able to offer a "lifetime warranty" like a lot of people claim they give despite not being worth the paper they're written on. However we're a small company and reputation is everything, so we'll happily sort out any problems no matter how big or small whether it's workmanship or fitment related, however we've never had any problems in the past as the systems are hand built with such attention to detail and skill that there physically can't be any defects. Every product is inspected before during and after it's completed to make sure it's perfect. I'm not just saying it as a marketing tool I'm more than happy to explain the process in full so you can see just how long it takes and the lengths we go to.

    Yes the system could be built to fit the oem downpipe, an aftermarket decat or one of our own decat pipes, we could even do an inconel decat pipe for people who're really wanting to save the most amount of weight possible

    A remap isn't needed however you could see a benefit depending on your current spec.

    As Feirny said, no such thing as a stupid question we're here to answer anything you'd like to know so ask away :smile:

    Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
    Jonny157 likes this.
  5. Weight saving really interests me.Noise levels intrigue me,had a Akrapovich system on my rs200 and 80% of the time l loved it,the other times l didn't need it must be old age.Running a r26r at the moment and it needs one or two notches more exhaust noise nothing crazy just a little something.Would fitting the system be included in your service.

    Sent from my SGPT12 using Tapatalk
  6. Any chance shipping to Aus? Many Ozrenault members would be very interested if prices and shipping are right

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  7. What is the weight of the current exhaust? Finding it hard to find that out

    When you say it can be as loud as you like... Presumably that's something you want everyone to agree on prior to an order, else you're effectively building custom systems? Or can you change the silencer for each order?

    I wouldn't want to lose any power, but equally am happy for it to be quiet
  8. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    He says that silencers can be added or removed and tailored to each person. So person A may want it deafening but person B may want it OE noise levels.
  9. As feirny has said.

    I told Charlie how I wanted it and he made the magic happen.

    With mine on tickover you can have a civilised conversation, drop the pedal to the floor and it's brutal on full chat.
  10. cgrautomotive

    cgrautomotive RSM Trader

    Yes we can fit them too without a problem.

    I'd have to price up posting to Australia but I'd definitely consider it.

    Well at the minute we haven't built two identical systems, we build the systems to spec as everything is done custom so you can choose how big or small of a silencer you'd like, or multiple silencers e.t.c we wouldn't need a set size for everyone to have. The way we build systems means we can change silencer options quite easily depending on customer requirements.

    From memory the demo system with the small silencer on was approx 12kg's in total (that could be wrong) however once we've got the next full system built on Monday I'll weigh it accurately with the slightly bigger silencer.

    We manufacture the silencers ourselves and you'll not loose power by having it any quieter due to the way they're built.

    If I've missed anything please let me know and I'll do my best to work on an estimated system weight but ultimately it will depend on silencer choice, a smaller silencer means a louder system but less weight and vice versa.

    Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  11. what they weigh to the gains they potentially produce make a big difference??

    I noticed an increase in power and revs more freely. Definitely picks up more quickly.
  12. All sounds good

    Commercially, what are the next steps?

    Again you'll have to excuse my ignorance but I assume you buy in a bunch of titanium pipe, cut/bend etc, add in silencers to suit and hey presto, exhaust

    So is it a case that you need a commitment of a number of exhausts to buy in a bulk amount of titanium to make it viable, then you will create each one to order?

    Or do you have moulds or something that you need to create to make the exhaust shape more quickly, and thus want a few orders down before investing the time into it?

    Basically... What's next?
  13. cgrautomotive

    cgrautomotive RSM Trader

    In short yeah, we just need to buy in the material and fabricate it into an exhaust system or few.

    Obviously the more orders and deposits we can get the cheaper the systems will be however we don't necessarily need a set number of people committed as we do a lot of bespoke work (most of our work is one-off) anyway we're setup to do anything from singles to dozens or even hundreds so we can cater for any size order, but obviously the more we get the cheaper and safer it is for us due to the cost of Titaniun.

    We already have CAD and jigs built for the megane systems so we can use the same jigs for the titanium systems.

    The next step would be if there's definite interest whether it's 1 system or 10, I'll get a nailed down price on Monday and start taking deposits and get things moving forward.

    Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  14. cgrautomotive

    cgrautomotive RSM Trader

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