RS Monitor - Help!

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Tom, May 19, 2016.

  1. Tom


    I have recently bought a new Megane 275 Cup S with the RS Monitor - not the large touch screen one through...

    A rather stupid question - how do I use it and access the different menus etc!

  2. Dunno - I have the Monitor 2 but can't you RTFM? :smile:
  3. Tom


    I read the manual last night and there was lots of info on the touch screen RS Monitor - but not on the smaller one
  4. Just have play around with it then - I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    You might possibly have to have sport mode engaged though, on the RS button for it too operate. Like I say I'm not entirely sure but just a thought.
  5. Is it not pressing the two buttons on the right Stalk/radio controls at the back
  6. You have to put it on Sport mode and then push the two buttons at the same time on the top of the stalk. To navigate in RS mode use two buttons on the back of stalk. Hope this helps.
  7. Tom


    thank you very much - there isn't any mention of this in the manual!!

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