Mid box chop

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by John vickers, May 12, 2016.

  1. Not picked my car up yet but looking at some ideas for mods and came across the mid box chop, is it legal mot wise? And what's the cost of it done by a garage, also any garages local to chester who people use
  2. If you chop the mid box you will lose the whistley sound that the stock exhaust gives,but if you chop the backbox instead you will get a deeper sound and a bit more popping on overrun etc and keep the whistle.

    It's all down to personal preference really. As for legality,either should be fine,it doesn't make it "loud" or affect emissions to any degree :wink:
  3. Got mine done on the 250, not too loud, but gives the car alot more charactor and more prone to pops n bangs especially in sports mode.
  4. It sounds great with the midbox chop and well worth doing it. But with the decat it sounds too loud, at least for me as ive done it not long ago. So if you are thinking of doing decat downpipe also, i would leave the rest of the exhaust as it is.
  5. I was referring to a mk2 BTW,sorry forgot to mention :wink:
  6. Sounds good, how much would it cost for 250 cup?
  7. My midbox chop cost £60

    It really is the best mod for the money
    Pops and bangs are awesome and it is louder
  8. £60 fitted?
  9. Yes 60 fitted
  10. :cool:
  11. yeah think I paid about £60 also but it depends on the garage

    I barely find it any louder from inside, i think it sounds a little more aggressive on start-up with a low blip of the throttle.

    It does pop on occasion aswell on shift, not much though.
  12. Hi guys, I have been trying to find somewhere local to do a mid box chop on my 250, most people don't message back but I have had quotes of £120 and £100 which seems a lot more than everyone one else is paying, has any near chester had it done if so where :blush:
  13. And once you do, I'd love a listen
    John vickers likes this.
  14. Don't do a mid box chop, do the back box instead 10000x better

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