1. Anyone got any flocked parts? Are they all soft or are there bits of hard glue and short bits of flock? Do t know if my expectations are too high or not?
  2. Nobody?
  3. Speak to arranheath28 he's just had his done 53936048639ce8ed2d69300ebc798ed6.jpg d510ff3064a96634876c9041202a0930.jpg
  4. 21d37c9acaca3a9c4e0624f919425995.jpg
  5. Is that a stereo in the middle or a tablet ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. MBC


    Can't say it's my thing but the stereo looks decent!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Looks like the double din Pioneer unit that I have pal.
  8. Doesnt flocking attract dust, like poo to a blanket?
  10. Got some of my bits flocked. Centre trim doesn't fit now it's flocked though so need it re-doing.

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