Hi, Have for sale a set of Steev alloys 19", black insert with the polished top ones. I have checked the alloys and they are straight, no wobbling at all. But you can find some scratches more or less on every wheel so to be perfect they have to repaint/or polish, whatever style you like to do them. If they wont sell im going to let them repainted myself and raise the price. So at first i can sell them for 500eur. Pictures are coming later today.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/172153572938?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Price is 450£ or sensible offers.
Sadly not now as i had some trouble myself to find the 4th alloy. Sent from my SM-A300F using Tapatalk
I've got 3 steev alloys that I'm selling separately http://www.rsmegane.com/showthread.php?10857-3x-MK3-19-quot-Steev-Alloys