265 Induction Kit vs Pane Filter

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Eddie_, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. What gives you the best "bang for your buck"?

    I've been looking at either the Ktec or ITG induction kit. I had the Ktec on my 197 and it was a nice piece of kit. Just wondering what people's experiences are of either on a Megane 250 / 265.

    Also willing to consider the panel filter option aswell.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I'm running an ITG panel just now on standard map and quite happy. I'll be switching to a bigger cone/CAI once it's getting mapped as tuners seem to recommend this.
  3. Most make there own kit consisting of a 70mm joiner/bend and cone filter, either a ram air or itg cone filter. Love the sound of mine with mid box chop and forge recirc valve.
    Mikey4410 likes this.
  4. Do you have links oof what you bought and a pic of the setup?
  5. Best bang for your buck is an ITG panel filter.

    Bit more noise and Ok for a standard remap to 300 bhp.

    You can also pull out the foam lining in the OEM airbox.
  6. Is it proven how much is the power limit for the stock air filter before it gets restrictive to airflow?
  7. This is kind of what I'm wondering also.
  8. The induction kit sounds better and will give better gains with a remap
  9. Ryan, the JC60/67 filter is apparently only rated to 280bhp?
    Brahmz likes this.
  10. Don't worry too much about an intake. Only buy an intake if you want it for the sound. Temps and/or power increases are going to be non-existent.

    The standard airbox is fine on the 250. People running 330+hp with it with no probs. Panel filters aren't going to change anything other than costing you more money (before the discussion starts, show me some kind of evidence of the use of different panel filters in the std airbox other than anecdotal evidence).

    The stuff ryan197 suggested is mighty fine. Don't even bother looking at so-called 'bhp' ratings on filters; an open air filter like the itg is nothing more than a piece of foam on the open end of the inlet hose. The diameter of the intake hose to the turbo is then guiding, which is fine for whatever power you can squeeze out of that puny turbo; a filter with same ID isn't going to change that no matter what the rating.

    Lastly, if you want an intake kit, just buy whatever you deem worthy of your money. Search youtube for videos on the sound they make. They all function the same and perform the same (again, show me proof they don't before the discussion starts). The pieces ryan197 suggested give the same effect of a 200-300+ quid kit in terms of sound.

    Personally, I am running the Injen Short-Ram intake kit, simply because I like the looks and it features an aluminum inlet pipe rather than rubber or silicone which seem to have cracked twice on my car (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wHLJhRz4ohs/hqdefault.jpg). And it makes a nice sound (same as any other open filter at the position of the standard airbox though). Furthermore, I exensively data-logged some performance runs with this intake, but couldn't detect any changes in boostpressure and/or inlet temps, so as I said, don't expect any performance gains other than sound.
  11. Currently putting together my own kit from a Pipercross cone, silicon turbo pipe, and an adapter. At no point did I think I would have any gain apart from noise. I just like choo-choo noises!
  12. thats n/a power

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