225 Manual entry / start up

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by sharkymarky88, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Appolodgies if in the wrong section but how do you gain entry to the car and start up if the key card plays up? I know there is a slot under the handle but the slide out key does not fit.....

    Is it even possible with the card?

    Cheers guys,
  2. Apologies if in the wrong section but how do you gain entry to the car and start up if the key card plays up? I know there is a slot under the handle but the slide out key does not fit..... :worried:

    Is it even possible without the card?

    Cheers guys,
  3. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Sorry to hijack but no point in starting another thread, been meaning to ask anyway. Can some also answer how keyless entry can be disabled? When camping in LeMans my car will essentially be open all night, I don't want that!
  4. Have you tried putting a new battery in?

    how about removing the battery from the keycard
  5. If it's anything like the system on the RS250 lock it by using the button on the card then you have to open it by pressing the button too :smile:
  6. No, im just curious to know how to do things manually. Is it possible to open and start the car with just the key?
  7. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Do they not loose programming if the battery is left out for an amount of time?

    I always lock it be pressing the button, I wasn't aware that is should auto lock? It always opens even if I lock using the button.
  8. The Clio 200/197 system is different to that. Doesn't matter what button you use, be it on the card or on the car you can always use the hands free operation to unlock the car. I'd say as the Mk2 Meg and the Clios shared the same parts bin it'd be the same.

    The code is hard wired into the card so leaving the battery out won't reset it.
  9. R26


    You have to take the cover off to use the slide out key, removing the cover will show you a lock that the slide out key will open. Once in the car, insert the key card as normal, in the slot it works without the battery and the car will start.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
  10. Always handy to know this :smile:
  11. Excellent, cheers matey thats just what I was after
  12. R26


    You're welcome.

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