275 RS Trophy - strange engine noise!

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by TiagoBypo, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Hello fellow Renaultists!

    I am new to the RenaultSport world as I recently bought my first car - an 275 RS Trophy Megane. I've had it for 3 weeks and a couple days and last week the engine started doing a strange noise.

    Now it's becoming even more loud and I don't really now what to do so I though maybe I could post a video of it here so some you can listen and advise me about what should I do or if someone had the same problem could tell me what to do or look for...

    The sound seems to come from the distribution area of the engine (right side of it) and it's like a bad bearing or something like that. The video doesn't really do it justice but it's the better I can give you to help me...

    Here it is:


    It's noticeable from inside the car and he does it at idle! When I acelerate it doesn't stop doing it but the exaust noise hides it...

    The car only has 9500km on it, it was never tracked and I did not push it at all (I live in Switzerland and it's impossible to drive hard here - too much radars and police...).

    Other than this the car has been wonderful and I can't wait untill I go to a trackday to really see what it can do! :wink:

    After a week of this I went to a Renault Garage and left the car there for a day. When they called me to pick it up I went there and talked with the mechanic and the answer he gave me was a HUGE surprise...

    He told me that these cars have some very rigid engine mounts and that with time and kms these become less rigid and that's what is causing the strange noise. And he even told me this, my favorite part: " you have warranty so if something worse happens it's fine...."

    WTF?? Should I wait until the engines falls to the floor???

    I'm currently looking for another garage to ask a 2nd opinion... As soon as I have an answer I'll leave it here to share and help someone who has the same problem... In the mean time please share some opinions about what might be or what should I do more...

    Thank you all,

    Bypo [:wink:]
  2. Doesn't sound right to me! I would get them to change the engine mounts. does the car have an engine cover on it? have you tired taking the cover off and does it still do it?

  3. Yes it has and it still does it without the cover! :worried:

    like I said its from the right of the engine, below... Around the alternator or the distribution area. Maybe a bearing or as someone suggested on renaultsport forum, the AC Pump...
  4. early megane 250s used to suffer from a cambelt area rattle that was covered under warrenty if it happened, but I thought they sorted that issue out, mine being a later 250 never had the issue even after 37K miles. S to me sounds like a pully rattle to me.
  5. Cambelt or poley must be check
  6. Sounds like the Clio's do when the dephaser is kaput, almost like a diesel. Could just be the solenoid rather than the pulley.

    Get that booked into the dealer would be my advice - it shouldn't sound like that.
  7. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    i was going to say it sounds like a dephaser, do the mk3 have them?
  8. I think the mk3 has a dephaser yes, on the inlet camshaft.

    The mk2 didn't have one.
  9. Right! I'll talk abou that with them! Thanks!
  10. Should I be driving the car like this? I dont have another car and the Garage only opens next tuesday beacause of easter...
  11. Yeah! I will do it next tuesday when they open! But can I can drive the car until then like this? Or maybe I should not? I dont have another car... And a need to do a few trips (180miles tops!)
  12. So I've just comeback from a Renault Garage guys and here's the situation:

    - the 2 mechanics that checked the car told me that yes, there is a noise and they think it's coming from the distribuition (belt or poly) BUT that it isn't enough to take all that apart and really see what's the problem............ "there's a noise there but just crank the music up and maybe it will go away in the next days... If it becomes worse come here, if not don't worry... If it breaks you have warranty." AGAIN with this BS!!! WTF????

    I can't believe I am in this situation....
  13. Contact renault customer services with your problem, when issues like yours arise renault will normally force what ever dealership you deal with sort the problem
  14. As above, call Renault Switzerland customer services and explain the situation.

    Can you contact somebody local with the same car to compare the sound?
  15. I called Renault Customer services last tuesday after your replys and explained everything. They called me back yesterday to tell me I had an appointment today at Renault Lemans wich is the biggest Renault Garage around here...

    Went there and the appointment was with the chief mechanic (wich was Portuguese like me - big bonus as my french sucks...) - after listening the car he told me that it has a deeper noise coming from the distribution but that it's not abnormal... That a lot of RS do that and most of the RS that go there are tracked and never had any problems even when doing the same noise... However as the car has low mileage he is going to request Renault to change the system and if they accept he'll do it. But even if they don't he told me to don't worry and enjoy and push the car because he was built for that...

    He even went as far as taking me to another Megane RS (non trophy but the same year) and showed me the same noise. It was not as loud as mine but it was there and it only had 4000km in it...

    So i'll relax and try to not think about it and see how it goes I guess...

    I can't do anything else from this point and if there's a problem in the future I guess the warranty should cover it... Right guys?

    BTW he told me that all of the cars that go there and are tracked, each one of them, never had any kind of mechanical problems! "These cars were built for abuse... They are almost bulletproof when maintained properly."
  16. To be fair, I've just been out to my car to take a video the same as yours, and it does sound the same when listening back through the phone. In person, it doesn't sound as 'bad'. I was going to post it up but it really is the same sound as yours :eek:

    Yes, you've got the warranty as long as the car is serviced correctly and not modified in anyway.

    You've done enough to cover yourself there - I'd stop worrying about it and enjoy driving it mate :smile:
  17. Really? Well that's it then... Maybe it's something that each car has more or less but that is not a problem...

    I will service it properly! Already thinking about doing the first service at 10.000km... :wink:

    Yeah it's what I'm gonna do! I'll try to share something I have some fun with it! :smiley:
  18. I thought this was normal....mine makes this noise too. Has done from new and now has 36k on the clock.

    Don't worry about it, drive it and enjoy it, at the end of the day, if it decides to go pop then it is under warranty anyway right? :smile:
  19. That's right! And that's what I am going to do... I was being over-cautious because it's my first car and experiences...

    I hope that if something happens they don't go bananas and tell me "you should had asked them to change it!!"... I'll bite them if they say this.:mad::cool:

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