275 with lumpy/rough idle on startup

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by SilverSport, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Hi all,

    I recently picked up a new 275 Nav and the car currently has about 530 miles on the clock.

    When I turned the engine on to drive home from work this evening it sounded a bit rough, I blipped the throttle and it coughed, a few more blips/revs of the throttle and it sounded quite rough, almost as if it wasn't firing properly... I left it to idle for perhaps another 15-20 seconds, and the idle then settled and it seemed better/much more usual. After a 25 minute drive or so I pulled up, and upon blipping the throttle again now the engine was warmed up, it revved ok, but didn't quite seem as smooth as usual, and on the revs settling, they dropped below what it usually idles at and then raised back to idle, almost as if it went to stall after revving.

    I'm not sure if it's just my ears being picky, but I assume the ticking noise is the injectors and/or fuel pump? It seemed more noticeable this evening.

    I'm not sure what fuel was put in for the first tank as the garage did this for me, but I've since filled it up with a tank of Momentum, which I wouldn't have thought would be an issue.

    I'm new to RS's as I came from an MPS, so any help or assistance or light on the subject would be great.

  2. They're all a bit lumpy when cold at idle, but yours sounds a bit more than that.

    My first suggestion was to be asking if you had put poor quality or low octane fuel in. Momentum has had a bad rep compared to other fuels due to the bioethanol they put in it, but I'm not sure if this would be responsible for the issues you've seen.

    My Trophy does a few things like this and it doesn't concern me at all as I've had other F4R(T) engines, all of which were worse than the Trophy. I had a Clio 172 that would barely run on cheap supermarket fuel when cold.
  3. I can only assume that the garage put 'normal' fuel in the car for when I collected it, as mentioned, I filled up with Momentum a few days ago, and have only done about 30-35 miles on the tank of Momentum... It did get quite low on the last tank (10 or so on the range) before I filled up.

    I've come from an MPS which I've always ran on Momentum with nothing odd coming of it, I may try V-Power for my next tank.

    Is the RS engine naturally a bit rough/lumpy at times? Could it simply be a 'quirk' and that it's fine in reality and having a funny five minutes?
  4. I've used Tesco finest in a few different cars including my 265, I've never had any problems with it.
  5. They can be, all the f4r engined renaults I've had have been a bit variably rough at idle. They're all know to like 'better' fuel too.
  6. Ive not put a drop of fuel in my tank except v-power since owning my 250 and it has a bit of a rough/jumpy idle when cold.

    Don't think I would worry unless its majorly rough.
  7. An update on this... Just been out and moved my car in the car park, started her up and she idled very lumpy/jumpy, to the point where it was making the car shake quite a lot! This was idling at around 1250rpm, after about 30 secs it settled down and started to idle better at about 750-800rpm.

    It was very lumpy, and almost felt like it wasn't firing properly for the first 15 seconds or so.

    I'm not sure whether it was me being more picky about noises, but I'm sure it was making a slight knocking/tapping noise too on idle.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
  8. Have you spoke to the dealer about it? I know it would be difficult to replicate at the dealers because it will be warm by the time you get there, but it sounds too bad to be the normal rough cold idling.
  9. I've just got off the phone with the dealer, he recommended taking it for a decent run and stretching its legs so to speak. Then if it still isn't right, book it in to be looked at.

    You're right too, by the time I'd get to my closest dealer, it would be well up to temperature and it seems to be a 'engine cold' symptom... although it didn't do it this morning?!

    It reminds me of an old MX5 I had a few years ago where it ate the electrode on a spark plug and ran like crap, but that was all the time, whereas this seems to be temporary...
  10. It does seem strange that your not getting any other symptoms when it's warm.

    It was warmer outside (here anyway) than of late - this hasn't been happening when it's very cold outside or anything daft?
  11. Yeah it's been warmer here too, about 8/10 degrees, it hasn't happened when it's been really cold, or even cold. Just started out of the blue yesterday evening. Just popped out and started it up again, wasn't quite so bad but definitely felt less smooth than it used too, and didn't feel quite as responsive on 'throttle blips' either.
  12. my 275 trophy idles lumpy when the sport button is off. Is smooth with it on but then again my map is turned on when the sport button is pressed
  13. It's funny you should mention that... with Sport mode on, it idles at around 1000rpm, and is very smooth (that's with the throttle map set to 'sport' too). When the car is in normal mode, it idles around 750-850rpm and definitely seems less smoother.
  14. Yeh I wouldn't worry about it , just the way they are. Just keep sport on there rubbish in normal mode lol
  15. Well, I did what the dealer recommended last night, started it this morning and it was fine...

    I haven't used the car since this morning so it will be interesting to see what happens when I leave the office tonight...

    Hopefully it was just having a funny 5 minutes.. :eek:
  16. Hope it'll be okay for you.

    TBH they're not the most refined cars in the world - it's never gonna be a smooth Jag or Merc - but it should run okay after a few seconds.
  17. Well, it did it again last night! Grrr. :mad:

    So last night, it idled on 4 cylinders, but lumpy/rough, although when blipping or revving, it seemed to run on 3 cylinders and almost be 'gasping' or not sparking quite right also being very lumpy. After 30 seconds, it was fine and drove fine, no issues.

    Annoyingly, and I don't understand why, it never does it in the morning, only ever in the evening..
  18. If your car was older, I would suggest that one of your injectors isn't atomising properly and needs swapping out. However I'm not convinced one would fail so early, unless you got super unlucky with a bad one from the factory!

    The "engine check" light would come on to indicate a misfire if that's what was happening. Have you got a bluebooth OBDII reader? You can use the "Torque Pro" app on your smartphone to check for any error codes and review all of the data (if you don't have R-Sport Monitor)

    Generally the F4R is rough on low idle when the oil is cold/viscous, which is why a lot of F4R Clios get remapped with a higher idle RPM (like my 182)
  19. Well if it helps, there is no check engine light or anything that comes on when it happens. I also don't have a Bluetooth reader or Torque, to be honest I should as they would have been useful on my MPS.

    When you say R-Sport monitor, what do you mean? Are you referring to the RS Monitor built into the car? If so, mine has that.

    With it being like that when it's cold, what is odd is that it only seems to do it when I go to drive it home from work, never in the morning. Both times, the engine would be cold too.
  20. So it's not actually mis-firing then by the sound of things which is good

    RS Monitor is the optional software for R-Link that tells you about Lap times/Turbo boost pressure etc. I didn't spec it, but I presume it shows stuff that would be useful to some extent.

    When you park it at work, are you on a slope? But at home it's parked on flat ground? (or visa versa)

    If you're worried, take it back to the dealer and get them to look at it under warranty, that's what it's for ;-)
  21. Ah yes, I have RS Monitor, it tells you useful things, but not anything that (I think) could help diagnose this issue..

    Both relatively flat, work, ever so slight lean, but nothing major at all.

    I've spoken to the dealer this morning, they want to run a diagnostics, it's just a pain getting the dealer on a week day etc.
  22. Mine misses sometimes as well but only does it if I don't use the car for a few week... Try get a video and host it somewhere??

    I came from an MPS to the Megane as well and it certainly isn't as smooth as the Mazda but that car didn't like to rev anywhere near as much as the Renault. Love the top end of the Renault engine whereas most turbo petrels are a bit breathless at the top end

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