Oil Temps the sequel

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Zs_phil, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. So carrying from the thread the other day
    I've noticed now it's warm weather my oil Temps creeping back up from ~70c to around 86c when stationary with engine running but
    Just drove home 4 miles and the oil Temps go back down to around 70-74 in city traffic
    Was going to change my thermostat and coolant is it still worthwhile changing it
  2. The same happens to me. Is it normal?
  3. Mine is also doing this. Been quite concerned as I don't wanna drive it that hard when the oil's barely sitting past 70... Do you notice the coolant temp gauge fluctuating? Ie between 1/4 way and 1/2 way.
  4. I most certainly do
  5. Exactly what my car is doing.. Never noticed it doing this before.. Would usually only take 20 mins or so to get to around 80 oil temp and half way on temp gauge and after that it would just stay there no matter what.. But as above noticed it moving from 1/2 to 1/4 and back and forth. Also fluctuating on oil temp depending on what i'm doing.... Confused.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
  6. sticking thermostat maybe
  7. Sounds like a typical thermostat problem!
  8. Had it in the garage to change mounts and they tested the thermostat etc, said it appeared fine. Was quoted quite a shocking amount to change it aswell so left it for the time being. Said it would be like £110, guessing thats not just the thermostat itself though. Is there some sort of housing with it etc?
  9. Can get a thermostat and coolant for £45 so not the end of the world
    Sounds rather easy to change as well and I'm not mechanical minded
    Think I've seen on here that someone got quoted £160 for just a coolant change when the coolant is only £14 or so
  10. Well thought that price sounded a bit crazy, seeing as they only charged me like 160 to change both mounts lol.... Looked on renaultparts direct to and the thermostat's only 27 quid on its own? Is it a bugger to get to or something?!
  11. It's battery out and the tray I think and that's about it not the hardest of jobs I'm going to do it
    Think the hardest thing is not getting covered in coolant haha
  12. Doesn't sound too bad, if you do it before me let me know if it cures it haha.
  13. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    £110 isn't that much for doing the job bearing in mind it will need new coolant/flushed. If thats a bit pricey for you then maybe RS ownership isn't for you

  14. Yeah will do
    I ordered stuff last week but was a mix up with the place I ordered so ordering from renaultpartsdirect ;glad to be fair as it's £15 cheaper
  15. Could you please give me the part number? I am going to order it soon..
  16. It's not that bad, but it was on top of the other stuff I was getting done as well. Only reason I didn't go ahead..
  17. So it's better to not have the RS monitor then, seeing the numbers would only make me paranoid too!
  18. @papps thanks a lot!

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