Free to collector - Mk 2 Megane 225 Front Bumper

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by masters18, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. 2008 model. Sound and intact.
    Gotta clear out garage ahead of house move.
    Post code TN6
  2. Colour?
  3. Currently silver, but it would ideally be resprayed before fitting.
  4. Would that be a facelift one then?
  5. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Damn it too far away!
  6. I'm local, but don't need a bumper unfortunately.
    But don't suppose you have a front near side wheel arch liner do you?
  7. Sorry, I don't I'm arfaid. I just replaced mine for the 2nd time in a couple of years after running over debris in the road!
  8. Daz


  9. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Who said it was for TDK? She'll ALWAYS be ph1!
  10. Daz


    Oh that's ok then, normal service resumed :smile:
  11. Damn....I've been contemplating getting a Meg RS bumper for the Scenic.... There are two problems, though:
    1. Not much money to spare as a university student
    2. Picking it up in person would be a pain in the *ss, as I'm in Hungary :tongueout:

    Any chance you could ship it to me for a fair price? :tongueout:
  12. Sorry mate but it's already been snapped up.
  13. No probs man! :smile:

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