250 About had it..

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by CCowan91, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. So yesterday hadn't driven my car in 2/3 days after the whole thermostat issue.. I start her up and I get this horrendous sounding cold start rattle. Like loud.. Like I heard it and thought, oh shit... Kind of sounded like a timing chain rattle for a few seconds then disappeared.. Oil level fine.

    Dropping the car at Rentec tomorrow so they can cold start it tomorrow and see if they Can replicate it and find anything. Refuse to believe it's anything like that cause it's had a new water pump, new timing belt and dephaser pulley etc replaced by them like 5000 miles ago..

    But tbh I'm that pissed off with it now I've already had it valued and I'd end up with more than what's outstanding on the loan so I'm seriously considering it.. Feel like I've not been able to enjoy it at all without worrying about it since I've got it really.. Barely done 10k miles in it and felt like its not sounded the best on startup/idle but keep being told it sounds normal...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
  2. Sorry you feel that way mate. Do you not know anybody else with a Mk3 near you that you can compare it to?
  3. I know there are a few up here but how close I'm not sure.

    is there any other pulleys etc that might cause this cold start rattle? Apart from cambelt and dephaser pulley I mean. Cause it was only a little over 6 months ago they were done. The full works when timing belt needed changed.

    The rattle sound is separate to engine noise, can hear the rattle clearly over the engine from inside and the door open.. Defo sounds timing related. Done it earlier when I started it to take it in to the garage. Should've recorded it. Was in a rush though as I took it during work hours so I could get a lift back haha..
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  4. Could it be turbo or exhaust heat shield rattling?

    See what the garage says, maybe it's something simple.

    Otherwise like you say, get a quick video on your phone and somebody may be able to figure the noise out for you.
  5. It's in the garage now, will find out tomorrow. Seriously hoping it makes the rattle when they start it so they can determine it... hoping it's something stupid like a heat shield haha. Knowing my luck it won't be but hey. Think positive and all that..

    Determined to get to the bottom of it though, can't be far off haha..
  6. If you don't feel you can enjoy the car for fear of it breaking on you then I would sell it. I had a MK6 Golf GTI when I was 21. It had 7k miles on the clock when I picked it up and I worried more about scratching it rather than enjoying it. I sold it after 7 months and bought a Civic type R FN2 for less than half the price of the golf with higher mileage and all those worries went away. Obviously my worries were of a different nature to yours but they still result to the same thing.

    Hopefully its just a loose bolt or heat shield somewhere !
  7. To add to what TEV said...

    I had a M3 CSL and every time I drove it I was worried to the point I never drove it so in the end the worry made me sell it... I'm now driving a car worth 1/3 of the price of the CSL and happier than ever.

    Good luck and I hope it all works out.

  8. Probably dual mass flywheel?
  9. How'd you get on today..??
  10. Phoned me earlier to ask if they could keep the car another day as they didn't quite get to the bottom of it, so was quite happy they weren't just trying to get rid of it.. Have the works van to drive about it anyhow just now so not too bothered. Hopefully more positive news tomorrow haha..

    Said it was up to temperature alright earlier and the thermostat seemed to be reading true and testing fine etc but when I explained its when the heaters are on it seems to just sit at quarter way and oil doesn't even get up to 80 even after like almost an hours drive.. I didn't think they originally got what I meant 100%. Explained it more so said they'd give it another check.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  11. What car is it dude? 265?
  12. 10 plate 250
  13. Is the noise really bad? I have a 275 and while it sounds good on throttle the basic engine doesn't sound great but it's just how they sound. Obviously yours must be bad to be concerned about it! Have Renault found any problems with it yet?
  14. Yeah I'm realising maybe they don't sound the greatest anyway on idle in general, but the sound I'm hearing definitely shouldn't be there. Hopefully fixed tomorrow. They can hear what I'm talking about they're just trying to pinpoint where it's coming from. I'm using a Renault/renaultsport specialist rather than the main dealer, very reputable garage round here. Lucky to live just 10 mins from them, so they do everything on my car:smiley: The 2 main mechanics used to be Renault technicians so it's in good hands haha.

    Will have an update on the faulty part tomorrow no doubt. Just glad they can actually hear what I'm talking about cause it is quite intermittent and I feel like they think I'm less crazy..
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
  15. I appear to have got exactly the same noise for just a few seconds right after starting from cold. Really loud rattle that is intermittent and stops too quickly to be able to tell where it's coming from.

    Got no other problems (for now) but I'm concerned it's from the belt area and could be a water pump bearing or something similar.

    It's only started since the weather got really cold - is it the same for you?

    Mine is also a 10 plate 250 and I've had every possible problem with it in my ownership, including a new gearbox recently ...
  16. I've got the same problem with my 60 plate 250. It's only started since the cold weather and sounds like something is taping? Like above it only lasts a few seconds and then it goes. I've dropped mine off at diamond motors today due to having other work done but I've told Mick to have a look and see what he thinks. I should find out next Friday/Saturday what it is.
  17. Mine is the exact same by the sound of it James, only since the weather really got colder and only lasts a few seconds. As said i had the cambelt, dephaser pulley and the water pump all changed about 5000 miles ago.

    I will keep the thread updated as I know more, garage still want more time with it as its a PITA to diagnose.
  18. Are these not all symptoms of slightly slower oil circulation to followers as it thickens with the cold, I would imagine so. Change oil and see if it goes.
  19. I mean could ask them to service it while they still have it, but it was only done say 5k miles ago or something.. Dunno if i believe it would be that.
  20. Just trying to help. We hear it a lot in the garage pre oil change on these cold weather starts. Make sure they use a 5/40 oil and not a bulk 10/40. If it doesn't do it on hot starts then that's your answer.
  21. No offence intended mate, i'd be happy if it was just that haha.. Thanls for the input. Will see what them come back with tomorrow and maybe even get them to do a service, double check when my last service was but sure it was just before the belts etc were all done.
  22. Certainly sounds logical.....
  23. Changing the thermostat for the heating problem, says it seems to be testing fine but they're only about 20 quid so what the hell.. Keeping it till tomorrow. Says it sounds like a mount. But I drove past today cause I was actually going to go in and speak to them and seen my car parked up outside, with a big fresh kerb mark about 6 inches long right round the rim of one of my front alloys...... Bastards. Decided not to go in as I was having a nightmare day as it is, had to hold back..

    Will be getting mentioned tomorrow. I have my car detailed and it was immaculate before it went in there. Including the alloys refurbed a few months ago due to crap satin factory finish. Not even kerbed the car once.. Want it done pronto cause it looks fking shocking... There's a body shop right opposite them which I've used and they're good so at least the refurb will be alright....

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  24. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I'll be honest with you, I would be using one of the other RS specialists in Scotland. Thats taking the piss a bit and i would of expected them to have it sorted by now
  25. Did you take a note of your mileage just incase they been taking the mickey
  26. They're a reputable garage mate take it easy lol.
  27. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Aye, and so was Scooby Clinic......
  28. Wow!

    Talk about jumping to conclusions in minutes.
  29. Its how they deal with it from here which will tell you what type of dealer they are, they should be jumping through hoops to make it all as good as it can be, hands up about the kerbing and get it all sorted quickly. Hope you get it all sorted mate, awesome car, be worth the hassle when you get it back.
  30. Tbh I've been thinking that as well Jamie.. Don't feel like I'm much further forward at all. Anywhere to suggest? I know SWR are well sought after, is there any more? Dunno how I'd quite work picking the car up etc from there haha.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  31. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator



    To the OP, I would be pretty annoyed if it were mine, Almost a week and still no conclusion, Plus the damage. Certainly enough to sour my taste. Just depends how they resolve it now.
  32. They're decent guys, just as Jamie says I'm pretty much no further forward after nearly a week and the fact my car was sitting outside rather than in the garage when I drove past as well makes me wonder a bit what they're even doing with it.. ie how much effort are they putting in to actually find the problem...... Getting a bit peeved. See my other post before your last Jamie, do you have any suggestions haha?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  33. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I don't want to turn this into a slagging match or anything or who's best.

    I only use SWR for anything other than basic stuff though, Everything else like brakes etc gets done by a local Caterham/TVR specialist.
  34. Nah not wanting that either but kinda doubting I'm gonna get anywhere with it now really. And generally don't know many garages I'd trust to take it to.. Plus the whole wheel damage has pissed me off. PM me if you like.
  35. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I would wait and see how the current issues get resolved first before making a decision on taking it elsewhere TBH. There may be a genuine reason why its taken so long.
  36. Unless I'm reading it wrong it's a cold start issue? Best place for your car is outside so it's at its coldest when started to listen for the noise. As for the wheel issue I'm sure it'll be mentioned when you see them next, unless they get it repaired without telling you about it.

  37. Faith restored, phoned first thing this morning and just told them straight that I'd seen the car and the mark on my wheel.. One of them owned up to it there and then and they're getting it sorted across the road for me. Very apologetic.

    Maybe a bit too harsh last night but I look after my car, and spend a fair bit of money doing so.. Feel bad going off on one now but Hate to think it's being mistreated!!! Was in a mood all night after I seen it haha.. Was doin her head in talking about it:tongueout:
  38. Nothing wrong with looking after your car mate, and wanting it to be right. I'd be pissed off too if somebody else kurbed my wheels.

    Any word on the noise yet?
  39. They are convinced it's one of the mounts. Mentioned the dog bone and gearbox mount. They said they are happy with my engine mount, and said its not coming from like the belt area or anything.. My wheel is being redone tomorrow so they're keeping it til then anyway.

    Just thinking about it actually, a while ago when I've started the car it's felt like the engine is literally rocking, like there's this proper clacking noise until I give it a few revs or pull away but I've only ever heard it happen like twice. Although that sounds like the mount for the engine? What is the dogbone mount for?

    Edit: Balls, think It could be this searching the symptoms and what I've just said. Ie the dogbone mount.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  40. That was like a proper lightbulb moment there.. How many mounts are there and is it a costly job? Worthwhile changing others?

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