Engine Oil temp dropped below 70deg cel

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by James and his 250, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. Hi all, so while driving yesterday(probably a good half hour) my car was up to 74 degrees which is a pretty normal temprature for it to sit at, however it went to <70 deg which Ive not seen before and didnt expect this once warm. Ive been keeping an eye on the emgine oil temprature as my car hasn't allowed me to hit anything over 6k rpm after my remap
    Does this indicate a faulty thermostat (I done a coolant flush a couple of months back) or is this all normal and should I stop being so cautious?
  2. That seems pretty low, even the 74, I thought it was generally 80-90 normally, as IIRC most modern engines run fairly high temperature wise to help with the emissions.

    I'd be looking at the thermostat personnaly.
    As due to the oil/ water heat exchanger your oil will probably be cooling itself too much if you've got a faulty one.

    They are cheap enough tbh to try. I've got a slightly cooler opening one to go in my r26 (not fitted yet) think it was about £15 (although may be well off on that, bought it a while ago!)
  3. Although if you want to save some money you can always test your one. Boil some water put it in a glass/ mug and throw your thermostat in to see if it opens (I think there meant to open around 80-90 degrees, although could be worth checking as I'm just going from memory)
  4. Right thanks guys I'll get it out today or tomorrow and give it a test. Mk3 ones seem to be about £25 so yea cheap enough. Thanks
  5. Actually just thinking about it while I went outside to get it out, it can only be stuck open if the engine oil isnt warming up enough, if it was stuck closed then the engine oil temp would be high.

    Anyway Ive realised what a headache it is to drain the system and to get to the bolts off on the housing to get it out, so im going to just buy a new one and replace it either way
  6. DOH! Very true! Although it's permanently open you should be able to see that visually.
    Or you could put it in a pan and heat it with a thermometer in to see what temp it does open.
    Although as you say for the price it's probably not worth it!
    If you've got a spare and your quick you can change them over without draining the coolant, you just lose a bit as you swap them so top up after
  7. mine also reports a VVT oil temp of ~85C when cruising motorway..
  8. That must be a lot more accessible on the R26 then! Hopefully I'm correct but I think the mk3 megane has the thermostat inside a metal housing on the side of the engine with the battery casing in the way for easy access
  9. Well great news. Had the thermostat out just as UPS turned up with the new one :smile: those 3 bolts are in such am awkward place and the bottom one is very hard to get to with tools. Refilled the coolant and went for a drive. Engine oil up to 73...74...75...76...77.. *smile* while going out for a drive it now seems to sit at 85 deg and my car will now allow me to hit 6500rpm :wink:
    Really happy I managed to sort it
  10. Glad you got it sorted fella.
    Nothing worse than knowing your car ain't 100% right1
  11. Indeed, thanks for the input
  12. Mines seem to be doing this now. Temperature not going above 75. Any idea of the part number for the thermostat causing it & if posible a picure on the location of it please.
  13. Mine also sits around 70-74 degrees by the rs monitor
    Is that too low then
  14. Same as mine took it for a 30-40 min drive with mixed motorway and urban roads and sat about 75-77 max was 78 for brief period
  15. So is it normal then 70-75 degrees in this weather normal driving
  16. I have no idea, been told it's too low

  17. Just a bit strange that a few of us is in the low 70s
    Anyone else know
  18. Mine is also running at 74 to 76 at 120 km/h

    So u guess it's normal and when you push the engine into the higher RPM's it should go up to 80 and higher.
    Only when the engine is under 70 after 30 minutes of driving you should take a look at it.
  19. I have a thread running atm, mine is sitting low for a long period of time as you are saying. Barely even getting up to 80 on the monitor after 40-50 mins driving. But mine drops again quickly if I turn the heaters/AC on.. To just above the quarter mark on normal water temp gauge on the dash and won't budge with the heating on. Guessing mine is a different problem, it seems to act normal with everything off.. But it's just above freezing just now so sack that..
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  20. If you turn the heating on it will draw heat out of the engine, all ways used to be a trick back in the day if your car started to over heat whack the heaters on full and hope it got you home!
    Probably the same thermostat issue like most of the others
  21. Understand this to drop a little but from like half way to a quarter on the temp gauge...? Never noticed this before and my cars always got the heating on cause my gf always moans about being freezing, seat warmers and everything........ Wasting all my fuel haha.
  22. This is the part no http://renaultpartsdirect.co.uk/prod...%26-Seal-.html. Also where I got it from but I think you can get it cheaper. The 3 bolts are really hard to get to. I had the battery and casing out to get access but still very difficult. I think my thermostat was not quite sealing fully shut but looked to operate normally when I tested it. If you are going to take on the job you should just buy a new one because after you have done all that work to get it out for £28 or less you may as well just fit it.

    Its located on the right hand side of the engine. Seen your thread about your car mate, fingers crossed.
    So far I've had:
    Slave cylinder leak around £900 but bill was £1200 as I had a new clutch fitted at the same time (car was on 50k). The 900 being covered by 1 year warranty from the garage I bought it from
    Wheel speed sensor. £150 at Renault. Covered by warranty as above
    Rear fog light failure. Cleaned/dried out the lamp holders and bought new lamps
    Turbo pipe split. New aftermarket one for £12 fitted by rs tuning free
    Faulty Thermostat. £28 fitted by myself
    Battery dead. £83 Bosch S5 fitted by myself

    Had the car for 1 year and 5 months now. Hoping nothing big needs doing now its out of warranty. It's cost me a service and 6 tyres at £148 each so far, plus a few mods, but the £600 job of the timing belt needs doing in March! Expensive cars but probably cheap for the performance. Can't see what I could get in terms of better performance than the megane without ever bigger bills
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
  23. Btw guys my car is now at 83deg or there abouts, at least 78deg with the heaters on, this is on the commute mostly 30-40mph driving with normal traffic (in other words lots of bloody traffic)

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