250 DRL's retrofit guide?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by NathanF, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. Hey All,

    Been reading this post with interest and it seems that retro fitting the DRLs on a 250 is not only possible, but fairly simple. However, being fairly simple myself, I was wondering if anyone had actually done a guide with the steps listed? I know the information is mostly in that post but pictures/step-by-step would be great :smile:

    I'm not asking anyone to do one, just wondering if it's out there already. Right, I'm off to the For Sale section :smiley:


  2. If the adaptor loom is already on the car it's easy

    Removal of a wheel arch liner/ or bumper and I could tell you straight away
  3. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

  4. Dammit! I had the bumper off not a month since getting the gearbox swapped and didn't pay any attention :worried:

    And thanks for that guide, I'll take a look!

  5. If I can get them, does anyone know if the DRLs on the top left of Page 2 (551-1610-AE) of this PDF are the right ones to fit in a 250 blade?

  6. Yes. Those are the ones that will fit the 250
  7. Thanks matey.

    Having trouble finding them though. The usual places that get the Depo lights can't source them :worried: I've told em to keep trying as I'm sure there would be a few on here that would take a set if they were well priced.
  8. there's one for sale on here :wink:

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