250 Weird?! Limiter before Red line??

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by CCowan91, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. So tonight i was coming up the slip road to join the bypass and i gave it a little blast, as i pulled out and got to about 70, i was only at around 5k revs, maybe even a little less and it felt like i hit the limiter?! Same feeling..

    Literally checked my oil before I started her up before the journey, almost full.. Major service about 3000 miles ago, plugs inc. Car has never had anything other than V Power in it since i got it, which i'd just put half a tank of in and generally, i try not go above 3k revs until i've drove it 15-20 mins.

    I'm very OCD and take care of the car.. But recently i've not been rewarded for this, all sorts of hastle..:confused:
  2. Sounds like fuel surge or spark blow out, have you checked if any codes have been registered? I had this happen on my sunny, turned out to be a weak fuel pump, could also be a clogged fuel filter or bad ht leads but would be the coil pack on the 250, check fuel pressure and spark, that's where I'd start
  3. Wasn't the cold limiter was it?

    How long had you been driving?
  4. Had been driving 15-20 mins at least. Fighting through a bit of traffic, stopping for fuel on the way. I have the rs monitor and always have the oil temp up when I first set off for a bit, it was showing ~80 degrees.

    I am aware not to hammer it from cold.. As any car. Put it this way the majority of the time I drive the car I barely use the turbo as I'll just be nipping out as I don't use the car for work. Only if I actually plan on going out for a drive somewhere. As I said before I'm pretty OCD about these things.

    About the injectors mentioned above, I've noticed a sort of pulsing coming from the exhaust recently, like if you put your hand over it it's not a constant flow put it that way..
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2015
  5. MBC


    I was gonna say cold limiter. Must warm them up!
  6. Do a fault code, injector codes should get registered, my cars fully warm after 15 mins
  7. How can I check codes myself? Is there a specific reader you would recommend or? I would say my car is usually fully warm after 15 mins also..
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2015
  8. People recommend a renault clip but if you go to any decent garage they can do a fault code for you and tell you what it means, last diagnostic I had done before I bought my own tool was about £20, a decent obd2 should also do the job
  9. Sounds like the cold limiter. They only Rev upto about 6k when not fully up to temperature. Normal temp is about 90 deg.
  10. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    6k? Cold limiter is closer to 4k.
  11. Dunno if I agree about the 90 degrees bit. Only recall seeing my oil creep up to and above 90 a handful of times and that's if I've been out a fair drive, say over an hour and really caning it.. On the road anyway.

    Anyway, maybe it was this but as I said, I'd been driving at least 15 mins and I've never experienced that ever before.. Guess I'll have to fight those urges off a little longer. Think I'll pick up a reader anyway, handy thing to have I suppose.
  12. sounds like coils, I had a pulsing exhaust and could only Rev to 3k or thereabouts as 2 of my coils had packed in. No expert but could you be experiencing the first stages of a coil on its way out? Fault codes will tell you.
  13. I dont know if this is similar but a few times i've had my foot to the floor, boost at max pressure as per the RS monitor and the car doesn't seem to go any faster. It felt like a soft rev limiter - ie. not the fuel cut you get when you bounce off the limiter accidentally but one where it just holds revs and doesn't go any higher.

    I haven't got any fault codes on my Scangauge II but i haven't taken it to Renault for a scan. Pulsing exhaust.. i'll have to check next time but dont our cars have a bit of a pulse? Ie. not silky smooth like a BMW N54/N55 exhaust at idle
  14. Faulty speed limiter? Check to see if it always happens at the same speed?
  15. Took it into Rentec and there was actually a fault stored. But it just said "COMP" and when we went into it it said the fault happened at 2000 rpm, not 4000 like i've been experiencing:confused:

    It mentioned something about injection computer or something? It was very vague actually.. Mentioned possible electric fault aswell. But basically its intermittent so it'a going to be a pain in the hoop to sort, my luck haha.
  16. Silly question, but have you got the RS Monitor fitted by any chance? If so, you can adjust when the beep sounds for the limiter, just wondering if it is set quite low if you have ...
  17. Yeah i do have the monitor, but it's set to like 450 before the 7k i think it is. I know it says 450 haha.
  18. Hi CCowan91,

    Just wondering if you managed to resolve the issue?
  19. Not really came up with a solution, haven't experienced it in a while but there was a fault code logged. It was pretty vague though. Mentioned injector computer or something along those lines anyway. Doesn't happen every time i'm in it though.

    Saying that been doing a lot of overtime recently so not been in it much haha.
  20. Just sounds like the cold limiter sometimes the temp doesnt keep up with the engine temp. Mine wont let me have full throttle for the first 15-20 mins.
  21. ppl who don't read threads, yay.

    Maybe a sensor issue but then if it's reading the right temperature seems strange.
  22. Out of interest what does the rs250 oil temp nornally run at? Mines generally between 73-83 degrees according to the monitor! Has been for the 15 months of ownership. Motorway driving is 79deg
  23. I had a problem with my RS250 that sounds similar.

    If I eased the throttle on over a period of 15-20 seconds the car would climb to red line without hesitation. However, if I really hammered the throttle it would hit what felt like limiter at around 4500rpm.

    I had the car scanned and like yours it did not really give a firm indication of the problem.

    Fuel pressure was checked and found to be okay so assumed ignition issue.

    Coils and plugs were changed by mechanic which made a significant improvement but the problem was still not totally gone.

    The coolant temp. sensor was then changed as they thought it was giving false readings - no change.

    After a couple of days driving I took the car to another mechanic for a second opinion. They said it still felt like the car had a lean misfire so checked the new plugs (The first shop had installed Champion Iridium's). Mechanic said he had experienced issues with spark blow out on Champions before so swapped a set of NGK's in before looking further. It solved the problem and the car is smooth right through the rev range again.

    Not sure if the information will help but when I was having problems I was looking for all the ideas I could find!
  24. Mine can fluctuate between mid 70's to high 80's depending on driving conditions. The only time it gets up to 90 is when the ambient temp. is >40 degrees.

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