This isnt really a project as such, just a place to keep all my upgrades in one place. I plan on doing quite a bit but will be fairly spread out. Iv had the car about 5 weeks now and its the best iv had! The only thing iv done up to now is de Megane'd the back end. The first 'proper' mod if you like was a change of headlights, of which id like to thank Browny for coming across them in his project thread. I ordered them saturday and they arrived today so cant fault them on that. Before After Really happy with the look now, i dont thing the photo's do i justice to be honest but i think it really makes the front end.
Yeah sure does! thats why i like it! Apologies about the size of the pictures, will try to resize them next time.
Cheers, next thing will probably be a mid box chop, and maybe some black door handles as a little something Yeah they're new off ebay
These lights do look a lot lot better, having seen them on this and Browny's Oyster 250 I'm seriously thinking about getting some. What is the quality like? Just wondered as they are not a Renault OEM part and I recently changed all the bulbs in mine....
They're not too bad to be honest, its pretty much the same quality really, and so far they've been fine, jut swapped the bulbs over and no problems. There arent any DRL's on the new set though.
You can split the lights and spray them, seen someone do it but it's a pretty brave thing too do though would save you a bit. Risk of getting moisture in there too.
I haven't had an issue with them either, fantastic buy, easy enough to change the bulbs over. The OG's look a lot better with them in..
Yeah they look awesome. I just worry about build quality and crappy beam pattern but i'm sure they are fine !
One thing that has happened though is that the headlights are pointing downwards now, so i cant really see much How do i alter this?
Its likely that there is adjuster screws on each light when you lift the bonnet and look down at them. Seems as though there are a few different types. Perhaps the ones with daytime lights in the corners as well...
I want some of these black insert lights but I'm wondering if I'm going to end up with a dangling daytime running light end the engine bay. James25 what did you do with your drl's ??
Haha. Im trying to figure out what happens to the daytime running light bulb that is in the standard headlights when you replace the headlights with these new black insert ones. Surely there is just a bit of wire hanging around. ?