Well, i've bought one.

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by Gavin., Jul 27, 2013.

  1. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    God this week is dragging.
  2. Daz


    I bet it is! It's always like that when you're waiting for something :smile:
  3. I know your pain, I'm waiting to pick up my 250 on Friday... Been itching to get back in it all week!
  4. Nice one Gav
  5. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Cheers Riad, I'll let you do some pics for me :wink:
  6. Oo, my offers still open if you leave the Renault caps on :wink:

    I bet you're buzzing to get your hands on it, waiting for my Clio was the longest week ever..
  7. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Haha, yea not long now, 2 days to go.

    I'll let you know on the wheels, need to source some cup ones first.
  8. ... wow, just wow, I know I'm like side hijacking a bit but f'ing wow.

    I'm sure this car is bending some laws of physics....
  9. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Pick it up at 4pm today. Can't wait.
  10. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    where you getting it from, stopping off in ashton on way home you say? :wink:
  11. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Haha, it's down in Cambridge mate. It'll be late on by the time were back. I'll pop down tomorrow at some point? She'll be getting a proper clean and a coat of a wax etc too tomorrow.
  12. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    So... it turns out the wheels are in fact 18"
  13. Do love the colour very nice and Welcome
  14. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    To anyone what was interested in the wheels, they'll be up for sale in about 3 weeks.

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