
Discussion in 'Wanted' started by ajs225, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. Hi everyone, i am in need of headlights with the black inserts if anybody has then or know where i can get them.
  2. I have some i no longer need. There a bit damaged. I brought a spare set of headlights and cut out the bits i i needed to repair them. 3 brackets need repairing and the access for the main bulb had some how melted abit. I brought them for 150. Willing to let them go for less.
  3. Any pics
  4. Will take some tomorrow morning for you
    ajs225 likes this.
  5. Hi
    Will get pics uploaded tomorrow. Its My day off tomorrow so will get these put up. Thought I would have got time before but didn't due to work
    ajs225 likes this.
  6. 20171203_175007.jpg 20171203_174941.jpg 20171203_174922.jpg 20171203_174826.jpg 20171203_174808.jpg Studio_20171203_181028.jpg Pics attached
  7. Birmingham. I paid £150 but i would happily take £100
  8. Where abouts in birmingham so can sort fetching them
  9. Depends when your thinking of coming to collect?. As I'm at work now until Monday. You can collect from my work though. That's in Redditch.
  10. Just checked how far away you are. Too far to travel. Thanx anyway mate
  11. Ok that's understandable. I can have them sent to you instead if you wanted me to.
  12. If you will take £100 posted i will take them
  13. Yes that's fine. I won't be able to get them sent out until Monday though.
  14. Cool. I will need payment details.
  15. 20171208_105456.jpg 20171208_105506.jpg 20171208_105719.jpg
    Ok. PayPal be ok for you. 2 of the pictures are when it has been repaired in the past by previous owner. The other is of the scuff it has, that was in the previous photos that i posted up, just giving a closer view.

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